We are proud to announce the company has ISO27001 accreditation. With the ever-changing threat protection landscape, it is now more important than ever to protect company systems and data.

ISO27001 is an internationally recognized standard which assesses an organization’s management of data in relation to a framework of standards.

We take the storage and use of data seriously at MPS and achieving this standard demonstrates that we:

  • have reduced risks in relation to our information security and data protection,
  • are keeping your information secure, in compliance with GDPR regulations.
  • are a trustworthy organization to work with.
  • comply with Cyber Essentials and PCI DSS.

ISO27001 accreditation

Certificate Number: 743-ISMS-001

ISO 27001

This is a great achievement and milestone for the company. Our customers can rest assured that we are careful with how we store their data and, in turn, can provide the advice they need to keep their data safe.

Tim Docker, CEO